Aston American University

Aston American University is flexible and provides a refined, technological education for students around the world. As we continue to embrace our diverse students with caring and personalized support, we look forward to meet the higher education goals of our diverse group of applicants each year. Whether students are young professionals, working parents or retirees, we provide all the tools and techniques necessary to compete in today’s global market. 

We continually strive to ensure that our students’ educational journey is customized for their personal background and career goals. For students whose native language is not English, we offer those students full support so that they can obtain an American education in a language they understand.

Many of our students are actively involved in building their careers. Aston American University can offer students opportunities to better, fulfilling jobs and higher wages with educational programs that are applicable in real, worklife settings. Aston American University is the door to opportunity. All you have to do is open it.


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Partneři Asociace jazykových škol

Bohemia Ventures, spol. s r.o. Books & Books s.r.o. ONLINE jazyky - angličtina online pro samouky, s.r.o. Fraus LanguageCert Euroexam