Code of Ethics

Members of the Association of Language Schools of the Czech Republic agree to comply with this Code of Conduct, which is intended to bring an ethical dimension to the business environment of language services and regulate the conduct of members to ensure responsible moral behaviour in the market towards clients, colleagues and other business entities. The Code does not have legal force, but violations can lead to a member being excluded from the Association of Language Schools of the Czech Republic (the Association), where such member who violates the Code of Ethics will no longer be able to use the Association logo, to act as a member or enjoy the benefits of membership.

Members are committed to responsible behaviour towards clients as follows:

  • Clients have, if necessary, someone to fall back on, and that member has a clearly designated competent contact person for organizational needs and language methodology for specific industry needs.

  • Clients have the opportunity to test their skills before joining the course, to avoid any misunderstanding about the language level; the member allows such testing and responsibly advises clients on a suitable course or an alternative.

  • Clients have access to information about how the course is designed, what the focus is, whether they need a textbook, and how much it costs, the price of the course, how many lessons they are entitled to, the maximum number of participants in a group, who the lecturer is (at least whether it is a Czech or foreign lecturer), and all this before the course begins. Members undertake to provide this information to clients and subsequently meet. If they are unable to meet due to unforeseen reasons, they inform the clients and arrange alternative solutions for them.

  • Clients have general terms and conditions, as well as the organization of courses, conditions regarding lesson cancellations, how to proceed in the absence of the teacher, when theyare entitled to receive a certificate or a certificate of completion of courses and how they can complain about the service. Members undertake to provide clients with such conditions before the course and allow them to refer to such conditions.

Members are committed to responsible behaviour towards teachers and associates as follows:

  • A member treats teachers and other colleagues fairly and responsibly. This is in order to avoid conflicts and, if they do occur, to seek amicable and efficient solutions.

  • Lecturers and co-workers have signed an agreement outlining the terms of cooperation including tariffs for teaching. A member adheres to agreements with the teachers and colleagues concluded in writing and verbally.

  • Teachers have access to teaching materials and the possibility of consultations about linguistic methodology. A member provides such access.

  • A member pays teachers and colleagues under the agreed terms and pursuant to the agreements.

  • A member provides teachers and colleagues with as much specific information as they need to ensure the teaching of a particular client with the expected standard of quality.

A member is committed to responsible behaviour towards other businesses in the market as follows:

  • In its activities a member is governed by the principles of good manners, especially not using unfair practices, such as misleading advertising, illegal obtaining of information or its misuse, bribery, price-fixing agreements, etc., which may endanger or injure other subjects involved in the marketplace.

  • A member always takes decisions aimed at truly fulfilling this obligation. It only accepts such orders as it is able to professionally and efficiently accomplish alone or with relevant professional assistance, or on the basis of fair contractual relationships with other suppliers.

  • A member always acts so as to preserve the honour and dignity of the business status and also its reputation, as well as that of the Association. It is aware that compliance with the rules and solidarity with the Association place it among trusted business entities.

This document was approved by a membership meeting on 23 January 2015.


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